April 7, 2014

Do you, Foam Roll?

Ever feel as if your body is just dragging into the gym? I know mine is suspect to this feeling.  That’s why in the article “Roll Out to Warm Up” by Susan P. of IDEA Health and Fitness Magazine, it’s especially important to incorporate a warm up routine that wakes up your muscles and prepares them for the workout ahead.  

Foam rolling, is a fresh and effective way to warm up your fascia, causing your muscle tissue to move more freely through the scientific principle of self-myofascial release (SMR).  Your body will respond with energy and vigor as you begin to incorporate foam rolling into your exercise routine. 

Check out the article attached and the four foam rolling warm-ups shown and start incorporating these simple “roll-outs” into your exercise program today.  For more information on “Foam Rolling”, be sure to follow us @ www.facebook.com/fitnesspropelled or check out our website @ www.fitnesspropelled.com


About Geoff Rubin