March 18, 2015

5 Body Weight Exercises for a Chiseled Back

By: Geoff Rubin, Fitness Propelled, CPT/CIFT/TRX II

Body weight conditioning #Bodyweightconditioning has always been an excellent way of training ones’ body, it requires little to no equipment and exercise routines can be done at almost any location. Body weight conditioning often restores our commitment to fitness and makes us concentrate on our form throughout each movement pattern. In this blog post, I share 5 body weight excises that will help you chisel out your back.

Complete 3 sets with 15 repetitions of the 5 exercises listed below with 1:30 minute rest periods between sets.

1) Pull-up

pull - up

  • The pull-up is performed with a palms facing forward position.
  • The body is suspended by the arms, gripping something, and pulls up.
  • The wrists remain in neutral (straight, neither flexed nor extended) position, the elbows flex and the shoulder adducts and/or extends to bring the elbows to or sometimes behind the torso.
  • The knees may be bent by choice or if the bar is not high enough. Bending the knees may reduce pendulum-type swinging.
  • Repeat

2) Inverted row

Inverted row

  • Lay flat on your back under a bar, a table or other sturdy surface
  • Grab your bar or bar substitute with your arms fully extended and your palms facing away from you.
  • Keep your body straight and lift yourself up. Slowly return to your starting position. You can make this easier by sitting on your hips or harder by raising your feet on a bench.

3) Pike push-up

Pike push-up

  • Start from a classic pushup position. Keep your legs straight and walk your hands back so you are in a pike position.
  • Your upper body and lower body should be at about a 90 degree angle.
  • Extend the arms overhead so that they are in line with your spine and reaching straight out from the shoulders.
  • Contract the core. Bend the elbows and lower yourself down until your head almost contacts the ground. Press back up.

4) Isometric wide grip pull ups

Isometric wide grip pull up’s

  • Set your hands palms down and facing away from you at a wide grip on the bar.
  • Pull yourself up so that your chin is above the bar and hold the position. Try to hold each repetition for the same amount of time.

5) Superman’s


  • Lay face down with your arms straight ahead of you.
  • In a controlled motion, lift your upper body and legs off the floor.
  • Hold the final position for 5 seconds before slowly returning to the first position.Superman’s

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  • 15 Best Body-weight Exercises –

About Geoff Rubin